
Everything you need to know about the TAGAs DApp

The Bangers Anonymous TAGAs DApp is a music streaming platform and media curation product that connects all of the project's assets, from our DAO voting, NFTs, Anon Token, to the actual TAGAs owned by BangAnon. The TAGAs DApp will essentially provide users with an easy, anonymous web3 solution of submitting music directly to Bangers Anonymous to be released on all major DSPs through our publishing label for a small fee. Users submitting music to the platform will be able to choose to "sacrifice offer", which will contractually agree to proposing the track as a potential TAGAs providing Bangers Anonymous with publishing rights and 20% ownership of the submitted track master if track is selected by the community. Staking will be managed through the dashboard of the TAGAs DApp for both NFTs and $VNON, yielding $VNON and other bonuses. $VNON will also be used for DAO governance voting. $VNON will fuel the functionality and curation process of future TAGAs, and will be used for DAO governance voting.

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