
How to execute the vision, and where we're currently at.

Phase 0 (Manifestation - Complete)

◉ Rough draft genesis roadmap conception. ◉ Create social media accounts. ◉ Begin building Bangers Anonymous discord community. ◉ Incentivize discord whitelist grind for genesis mint. ◉ Build project's temporary first-gen web2 website. ◉ Finalize Genesis NFT artwork. ◉ Collaborate with other projects to build community. ◉ Host community and social media giveaways to build community. ◉ Create Genesis ERC-721 NFT smart contract and deploy it. Phase 1 (Genesis - Complete) ◉ Whitelist Airdrop and Public Genesis NFT mint on Polygon Blockchain. ◉ Begin creating Genesis Album to be the first community curated TAGAs. ◉ Establish DSP publishing and BMI accounts. ◉ Start crafting v2 NFT artwork. ◉ Start crafting FemAnon NFT artwork. ◉ Register community wallet ENS domain @ BangAnon.eth. ◉ Setup Bangers Anonymous DAO at ◉ Begin building Anon Token smart contract. ◉ Complete Genesis NFT mint phase - supply of 1,111.

Phase 2 (V2 - in Progress) ◉ Finalize BangAnon v2 NFT artwork. ◉ Build BangAnon v2 NFT ERC-721 smart contract with Genesis WL. ◉ Develop new mint DApp page for v2 NFT public launch. ❍ Propose v2 roadmap to community. ❍ Airdrop v2 NFT to Genesis holders. ❍ Recruit new community interns (discord mods, social media/telegram admins). ❍ Find and hire new paid developer. ❍ Complete Genesis album production with momentum from v2 roadmap announcement. ❍ Build Genesis Album NFT ERC-721 smart contract with Genesis WL. ❍ Develop new mint DApp page for Genesis Album public launch. ❍ Airdrop Genesis Album NFTs to Genesis holders. ❍ Community preparation initiatives for v2 public mint / Genesis Album rollout. ❍ V2 NFT public sale launch, unlocking remaining 2,222 v2 NFT supply for public mint. Phase 3 (Genesis Album) ❍ Concentrated community promotion efforts focused on Genesis Album, Anon Token, TAGAs DApp, v2 NFT collection, airdrops, and staking. ❍ Community shill competitions and giveaways. ❍ Finalize Anon Token/vesting/staking contracts and deploy. ❍ Begin seed round phases for Anon Token pre-sales. ❍ Airdrop Anon Token to v2 holders once remaining public supply sells out. ❍ Finalize Genesis Album NFT artwork. ❍ Build TAGAs DApp with interactive dashboard for staking and TAGAs data. ❍ Pre-release Genesis Album on our own media streaming portal on DApp dashboard, exclusive for NFT holders. ❍ Publicly release the Genesis Album on all major web2 DSPs. ❍ Genesis Album NFT public sale launch, unlocking remaining 8,888 NFTs supply for public mint. Phase 4 (VNON Public Sale) ❍ Begin community curating second Bangers Anonymous album. ❍ TAGAs DApp community beta phases with bug bounties. ❍ New web3 merch store inside of TAGAs DApp dashboard, payable with crypto. ❍ v2Szn Merch Drop. ❍ Recruit new intern writers for weekly blogs, artist spotlights, album reviews, social / discord. ❍ Build up youtube channel content starting with videos for Genesis Album/live 24/7 radio stream. ❍ Finzalize FemAnon NFT Artwork. ❍ Final seed round phases for Anon Token pre-sales. ❍ Concentrate community promotion efforts focused on Anon Token and TAGAs DApp Launch. ❍ Anon Token Public Sale / Uniswap listing - $vVNON cliff ends. Phase 5 (Staking and TAGAs DApp) ❍ Unlock NFT staking on TAGAs DApp for NFT and Anon Token holders. ❍ Submit applications for Anon Token to CMC / CG / any other price watchers. ❍ Update DEX tracker pages with project information / graphics. ❍ Unlock $VNON staking on our website DApp for token holders to start farming $DEEP rewards. ❍ Build SocialFi aspects to TAGAs DApp. ❍ Integrate on site DAO proposals from ❍ Finalize second Bangers Anonymous album. ❍ FemAnon NFT airdrop/mint. ❍ TAGAs DApp V1 public release. Phase 6 (Growth) ❍ Bangers Anonymous second album release. ❍ Begin DAO album curations through TAGAs Dapp with $VNON. ❍ Hire entertainment lawyer. ❍ Integrate copywrite AI detection for TAGAs DApp. ❍ TBD

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