
What incentivizes TAGAs curation?

The TAGAs DApp will provide a fun and unique music streaming platform gamification experience for enthusiasts to discover new music and art, with the opportunity to invest directly in the art/artists. While also serving as a one stop spot for the entire BangAnon metaverse, and collaboration network for creators! Holders NFT and $VNON holders will receive staking bonuses based on the success and earnings of TAGAs royalties. The goal of TAGAs is to provide infinite growing value to the project treasury, while gamifying the curation process. Whenever a user submits music or other media as an offering to the TAGAs DApp, $VNON holders can choose to "bind" their $VNON to their favorite submissions. Binding $VNON to submissions will serve as an upvote and investment, while simultaneously adding market cap value to the submission signaling desire from the holders to acquire the submission as an official TAGAs to be used in future BangAnon projects. Creators As a creator, submitting offerings as potential TAGAs offers 20% ownership to Bangers Anonymous in trade for 20% of the total $VNON raised from that submission's contract binds. TAGAs with the most $VNON raised on their contract binds will be accepted as TAGAs and used on the Bangers Anonymous collaboration albums to be released on all major web2 DSPs, used in promotion, and potential sync placements. Out of the 20% ownership acquired from an accepted submission, 10% will permanently be owned by the BangAnon project treasury, with the other 10% being fractionally split between all users who bound $VNON to the submission. Example: 10 million $VNON gets bound to an offering between 25 individual investors. 8 million $VNON will be locked into the treasury paired to that offering, while 2 million goes directly to the creator's wallet who submitted the offering. Now, 10% of the offering is owned by the 25 individual investors to yield permanent royalties from that submission. 1% ownership for every 1 million $VNON bound in this scenario. The remaining 80% of the raised bound $VNON will be locked into the treasury paired along with the submission, propping up the value of both the project and submission before any web2 royalties are even generated while removing that amount of $VNON from circulation acting as a "soft burn". The DAO will experiment with airdropping $VNON from this pool back to the binders and DApp users over time. For unsuccessful offerings that don't get acquired as TAGAs, 80% of raised bound $VNON will be returned back to the binders, with 20% risk tax going to the treasury. Bind wisely.

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