$VNON Staking

$DEEP staking tokenomics.

$DEEP (DeepAnon) is the receipt token for staked $VNON. Only 10% of the total maximum $VNON supply could ever be staked at once.

  • Claim $DEEP with $VNON or $vVNON for 330-day stake to farm $VNON dividend rewards.

  • Smart contract 11-month lock time-gate to claim back into $vVNON (1 : 1).

  • 6,942,000,000 $DEEP supply cap (10% of $VNON supply).

  • 5,000,000,000 reserved $VNON for $DEEP stake yield.

    • 1,000,000,000 rewarded annually between $DEEP holders.

    • Will take 5 years to drain initial $DEEP/VNON reserve.

    • Additional reward reserve for $DEEP staking will be managed by the DAO.

Last updated