Utility and purpose of VNON

Anon Token ($VNON) will serve as the liquid fungible utility asset to the Bangers Anonymous web3 metaverse ecosystem, revolving around TAGAs exposure and staking rewards managed by the BangAnon DAO. The protocol goal of Anon Token design is to:

  • Fuel the TAGAs Media Curation DApp.

  • Reward project engagement via TAGAs DApp, discord, telegram, and social media.

  • Incentivize TAGAs contributions with immediate compensation.

  • Attract new active anon holders expanding our reach and value.

  • Unite community members new and old.

  • Reward BangAnon NFT holders.

  • Empower community control through DAO governance.

  • Provide Bangers Anonymous with expansion capital.

  • Build long term value to the brand and project.

Last updated