Vesting Token

Vested Anon Token | $vVNON

$vVNON is the vested claim token to mint / claim $VNON. It's purpose serves to time-gate community $VNON claims while still allowing partial liquidity claim during the vesting process.

  • $vVNON cliff until $VNON public sale / IDO.

  • After cliff, $vVNON will be utilized for NFT stake yield, $DEEP return claim, and community tokens.

  • $vVNON auto vests via smart contract and can claim $VNON through our DApp from our private locked swap pool.

  • Vest Token provides instant liquid claim swap option with $VNON @ (.033 : 1) - with a daily weight lift of (.033) until (1 : 1) claim swap available after held 30 days.

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